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St Petersburg historic center

Built, thought and kept as the symbol of Russia’s europeanness, St Petersburg has always been completely different from Moscow. Indeed, St Petersburg emerged under the Romanov, following the dream of Peter the Great, as the capital of a Russian Empire expanding towards the East but living and thinking as a European power. That’s why St-Petersburg, despite not being similar to any city in the world, tends to be considered as a European one. This is mainly due to its Italian-styled palaces and church. But above all, the atmosphere of St Petersburg reminds every visitor that Peter the Great’s city is and remains a city of culture and arts.

Dreamstime © - Saint-Pétersbourg - Ermitage (9)

One would think that “Peter” (as called in Russian) is a ghost city all about past and faded imperial dreams. But this is a mistake.

Dreamstime © - Saint-Pétersbourg - Cathédrale Saint Isaac (13)

First because despite having been the capital city of the Russian Empire, St Petersburg isn’t so old. Founded in 1703 by Peter the Great, the city therefore only has 3 centuries. Which is why all the stunning sights such as the Peter and Paul fortress, all the impressive cathedrals such as St Isaac and Christ the Savior on Spilled Blood, and all the marvellous palaces have a sweet taste of historical modernity.

Dreamstime © - Saint-Pétersbourg - Laure Alexandre Nevski (10)

Second because St Petersburg has always been and remains today probably more than ever a city for and of the intelligentsia, prompt to expend new artistic and intellectual trends. That’s why if visiting the Hermitage is a must-do, looking for new places, such as the newly opened New Holland, is also a good one!



Want to book a guided-tour? Check out Tsar Visit!

Hidden places of St. Petersburg
The Hermitage
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