Looking for free internet?
Did you know? In Moscow, St Petersburg and other cities across Russia, there is free wifi in the subway!
It’s not a secret that Moscow and St Petersburg subways are stunning. They really are amazing, clean and travelling through the different stations is like visiting a museum. These subways are so beautiful and peculiar that we even organise guided tours of them!
But when you’re living in Moscow or St Petersburg you (unfortunately) get use to it and forget to appreciate the work of art that are these underground palaces. When you’re living there, you appreciate another characteristic (in addition to the extreme cleanliness)… the free wifi! It can sounds like I’m an internet addict, a geek or a true representative of my not-understood and under-considered generations. But trust me, when being in the metro for 45 becomes something absolutely normal and a short time, having access to internet isn’t something small.
In facts, in the last years Moscow and St Petersburg set free internet in their subway (and public transports). You only need a Russian number and hop! Here it is! You watch an ad each time you enter the subway and you have full free access to internet! Magic and life-saving!
Want to book a guided-tour? Check out Tsar Visit!