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Moscow’s Kremlin

Everyone already heard of The Kremlin. For you it might be a political center, for others a religious one. In any case, being full of mysteries, questions and fantasies, the Kremlin is definitely worth the visit!

From its building in the 14th century until now, the symbolic political dimension of the Kremlin obliterates the original value of this outstanding architectural complex. Indeed the Kremlin remains before all a piece of History, a fortress hosting both magnificent palaces and old, but nonetheless outstanding, cathedrals. 

Today, the Moscow Kremlin is in the form of a triangular enclosure of high red brick walls extending over 28 hectares between the Moskva River and Red Square. The walls of the Kremlin are punctuated by 19 defense towers, each with its own name and its own architectural style.

In addition to the Presidential Administration in the Senate Palace and the official residence of the President in the Terems Palace, the Kremlin contains many architectural treasures, including four cathedrals, two churches, and many palaces. One of these is the Palace of the Armoury which contains a unique collections of Faberge eggs, jewelry, and pre-revolutionary silverware.

So what are you all waiting for? Let’s visit it!


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