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Top 10: Tsar-Visit’s excursions

  As you know, Tsar Visit is a travel agency that sells guided-visits and tours in Moscow and St-Petersburg. We are working in 6 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Russian. And thanks to Yulia, we are able to work with professional and accredited guides in those languages. But as Irina is doing her job far to well, you can be lost in our different offers. So here is a list of my favorites!    


My favourite is definitely the Bolshoi’s backstages. First because it’s a privilege of accessing it, and I like being the special and privileged person. Second, because it’s beautiful and for once you have time to admire the splendorous painting and goldish chandeliers. Third, because you can enter the Bolshoi for a much lesser price than the one of a ballet ticket in the historic stage! This is a must do!

Dreamstime © - Moscou - Théâtre Bolchoï (3)


Because, I mean… THE Hermitage! Who never dreamt of visiting this marvelous imperial palace and dive into both History and fine art at the same time? Who never dreamt of being an heir of the Romanov finding its way through the palace? The Hermitage is a real historical pearl waiting for you on the Neva’s docks (tips: always look through the windows while visiting the museum, it worths it). But the Hermitage is also and above all the most important museum in the world. In other words, thanks to your guide, you’ll have detailed informations on both world-known masterpieces and the imperial Russia’s history.

Dreamstime © - Saint-Pétersbourg - Ermitage (9)


As for the Hermitage, the Kremlin is a must-do when visiting or living in Russia. As the political center of the country, but also as a historical keystone, the Kremlin worths the visit ! Nevertheless, the Kremlin is big, highly secured and offers to the public many historical and religious artefacts and buildings. That’s it must be visited… but never forget, with a professional and accredited guide!

Dreamstime © - Moscou - Vue aérienne (12)-ciel bleu


The Tretyakov Gallery is one of the most famous museum of Russia… and not for no reason. The Tretyakov Gallery is huge and exhibits masterpieces from Russian and European schools of arts. All of this is stunning and the Tretyakov is a must-do, especially for arts fan. So if you really want to know more about Russia and its artists, you should definitely book a guided-tour!

Dreamstime © - Moscou - Galerie Tretiakov (2)


Another feel-like-a-Royal-for-a-day visit that will bring you back in Peter the Great’s splendorous time. Peterhof is the Russian Versailles and this says all. The palace is absolutely stunning on the inside as on the outside. Special notice for the gardens and the fountains that are the icing on the cake. Thanks to a professional guide, you’ll bypass all the tourists, learn more about the imperial history and the Russian culture in a shining historic environment. Definitely one of my favorite!



Seeing Christ the Savior on the Spilled Blood in this list, you’re probably thinking that I’m giving all Moscow’s and Petersburg’s classics. Wrong! The world-known cathedral has its path in this list because the inside is absolutely stunning (or am I only attracted by gold? Who knows…). But more than being beautiful and famous, Christ the Savior on the Spilled Blood is also full of hidden treasures, secrets and remains crucial in the Russian and Soviet history. That’s why you definitely need a guided visit!

Dreamstime © - Saint-Pétersbourg - Saint Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé (4)


Did you know that the Yusupov where the richest family in the late imperial Russia, and the most powerful after the Romanov? No ? Then here is why you need to visit there palace on the Moika with a guide! The Yusupov palace hides all the secrets of this significant family. But the palace is also, and above all, crucial in the Russian history, having been Rasputin’s murder place!

Dreamstime © - Saint-Pétersbourg - Palais Youssoupov (4)


As the other places in this list (I admit I have a taste for the Imperial Russia), the Peter and Paul fortress is absolutely crucial in the Russian history. However, if you’re visiting it by yourself, you’ll find nothing else than big walls, a cathedral, graves and a garden. That’s why I advise you to do a guided-tour of it. Your guide will explain you the history of the fortress, showing you artefacts from the past, and give you details on the buried Romanov. Moreover, if (as me) you have a taste for royal families from the past and the present, the Peter and Paul fortress will serve you some delights!

Dreamstime © - Saint-Pétersbourg - Forteresse Pierre et Paul (10)


Moscow is a big city. And sometimes the best to do in order to discover a big city is to sit and enjoy a guided-tour. With Tsar Visit’s guided tour of Moscow you’ll discover, in a very comfy way, the Russian capital city and all its wonders. A must-do if you don’t have much time in Moscow!

Dreamstime © - Moscou - Vue aérienne (13)


Basically the same as for Moscow. This tour is the best. Go for it!



Want to book a guided-tour? Check out Tsar Visit!

Moscow’s Kremlin
Maslenitsa tradition for Easter
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